last mandatory assignent done, exams here I come

Finally, the last mandatory assignment of this semester is done and in…one more optional one, which I’ll be doing, due in a week’s time.

NEC CRV43 curved display
I really want one of these new NEC screens. From the site:

The unique 43″ (42.8″ VIS) NEC CRV43 curved display delivers an immersive and unmatched viewing experience. It is the perfect display for simulation, digital imaging, gaming and other applications requiring lightning-fast response time, a much wider field of view, greater dynamic range and wide color gamut.

  • Seamless curved screen, which eliminates bezel and screen gap issues, increases productivity while decreasing frustration
  • USB 2.0 connectivity for easy use of peripherals
  • On Screen Display (OSD®) and software-based GUI enabling advanced display control options

Also, in other news, I’ve now resolved all my PayPal linking issues. Reset a couple of variables and adjusted my calls to the PayPal API….all my mistakes, but I’ve learnt a lot about it now. Also, the Google Maps implementation is now running smoothly, including dynamic generation of the markers on the fly. Yippee!! I’ve also come up with a few tutorials to add to here, I just need to get them written up nicely, then they’ll be live.

Having an agent come through the house with “interested people” in the next few days, so need to do some tidying and put all my computer cables and paraphenalia away. We’re not for sale, but he thinks they might make a stupid offer, so it can’t hurt really now, can it??

Haven’t had much time to “research” YouTube et al. but I got shown this the other day, and it’s awesome. I saw the original of this a while ago, but this version’s even better!

There’s all the usual banter on engadget, gdgt, and gizmodo now that E3 and WWDC are done and dusted. All the usual shenanigans. iPhone 3G[S] is coming June 19th, and the new price-point is $99! All MacBooks are now Pros, except the white one – makes it simple: aluminium = Pro; white = not. Still no word as to why we had to lose the ExpressCard slot to get the SD-slot on all but the 17″ MacBook Pro. That’s gonna force me to go to 17″ when I get a Mac, cause I’m gonna need the ExpressCard for broadband….I ain’t using a USB-dongle arrangement….

E3, I won’t say more on until I get a chance to filter through all the vids etc to find some highlights beyond what I posted the other day. It’s now morning, so I’ll either give you more goodness tonight or Wednesday.

I’ll end with an explanation of how the Obama stimulus plan will work (courtesy of dailyfailblog), and this BRILLIANT video of a Stanford student cracking level 60 of WoW. He’s stayed in his dorm room for almost a month straight and his mates don’t have the heart to tell him there are 10 more levels to go!! Stanford Student Flips Out After Leveling from the guys at, and just remember: “Remember to behave, even if it’s only badly!!

quick update – I want, I want, I want!!!

Sony demo at E3….lots of expletives want to come out of my mouth, but suffice to “F’n massive! Over 9000!!”

Check out this video, I can’t say more than that. And watch it to the end (like you won’t).

Need I say more? 2010 I’m waiting.