brilliant video

Here’s a quick video post, but read the quotes from his site first:

I am not sick or mad, I only have a sense of humor not everyone immediately understands. In addition, I have acting talent. I can do something so real that many think it is real. For this reason I will be insulted by many and hated. The aim of my videos or movies is to entertain people, not provoke. Nobody should take my short videos on the Internet seriously – they are merely for entertainment. No matter what people think or say, I am a very normal boy with acting talent.”
– N. K. (aka “Slikk” or “Der echte Gangster”)

Video information:
This video was made as a response to some German politicians attempting to restrict access to violent video games. He was trying to show how they view gamers. Very amusing and intelligent. Too bad most people missed the point.
“Journalists” from Focus TV (Germany) used this as an example of an internet addict, claiming the kid to have been secretly taped by his father and to be undergoing therapy in addiction clinic. Naturally, this was not what “Leopold” understood to have agreed on when he gave approval for airing it on TV.


rah rah rah

Don’t know what else will follow, but I’ll start with these little trinkets from FML:

Today, I heard a student in the class I assist having trouble with a download. I walked over and showed him how to save to his flash drive, and how to use 7z to unzip said file. I then found out I’d just assisted him in downloading a half gig of porn during class. FML

[source: FML]

Today, my boyfriend of 5 years admitted why his pet name for me is “his beautiful swan”. Apparently, the first few years we were dating, he and his friends secretly referred to me as “the ugly duckling” because my sister was so much hotter. FML

[source: FML]

Just been cleaning and so on this morning, so nothing exciting to report yet. So, I’ll just let this be the post, and do another one later this evening or something.