social bookmark generation

I thought it could be useful to post some basic social bookmarking scripting. This is nothing flash, and you can do a lot more with the various APIs available for each site, however this gives a good basic starting point.

The code I have put here will simply open a new window/tab (depending on user browser settings) which will open at the specific social networking/bookmarking site with pre-formatted and written information as appropriate.


// it
echo '<a href="';
echo $actual;
echo '&title=';
echo $actual;
echo '" target="_blank"></a> ';

// digg it
echo '<a href="';
echo $actual;
echo '&title=';
echo $actual;
echo '" target="_blank">digg</a> ';

// facebook it
echo '<a href="';
echo $actual;
echo '" target="_blank">facebook</a> ';

// reddit
echo '<a href="';
echo $actual;
echo '&title=';
echo urlencode($actual);
echo '" target="_blank">reddit</a> ';

// stumbleupon it
echo '<a href="';
echo $actual;
echo '&title=';
echo urlencode($actual);
echo '" target="_blank">stumbleupon</a> ';

// tweet it
echo '<a href=" out ';
echo $actual;
echo ' " target="_blank">twitter</a> ';

// email it
echo '<a href="mailto:?subject=Check out ';
echo $actual;
echo '&body=Check out ';
echo $actual;
echo '.">email</a> ';

// blinklist it
echo '<a href="';
echo urlencode($actual);
echo '&Url=';
echo urlencode($actual);
echo '" target="_blank">blinklist</a>';

// bluedot it
echo '<a href="';
echo $actual;
echo '&t=';
echo urlencode($actual);
echo '" target="_blank">bluedot</a>';

// magnolia it
echo '<a href="';
echo $actual;
echo '&title=';
echo $actual;
echo '" target="_blank">magnolia</a>';

// netvouz it
echo '<a href="';
echo $actual;
echo '&title=';
echo urlencode($actual);
echo '" target="_blank">netvouz</a>';

// blogmarks it
echo '<a href="';
echo $actual;
echo '&title=';
echo urlencode($actual);
echo '" target="_blank">blogmarks</a>';

// simpy it
echo '<a href="';
echo $actual;
echo '" target="_blank">simpy</a>';

// diigo it
echo '<a href="';
echo $actual;
echo '&title=';
echo urlencode($actual);
echo '" target="_blank">diigo</a>';

// yahoo it
echo '<a href="';
echo $actual;
echo '&t=';
echo urlencode($actual);
echo '" target="_blank">yahoo!</a>';

I have used a default variable $actual for this version in PHP, however you can easily alter this to contain just hard-coded HTML (I don’t know why you would exactly, as then you will have to code each page individually), also I have generated all the HTML within the PHP script as I have taken this from a larger script with more dynamic variables being referred to. Simplicity, if this is all you are wanting to do, would be to strip the
<?php....?> surrounds and all the echoes; replacing each $actual with <?php echo $actual; ?>.

To replace the links with icons, you can try some of the following sites to get social network/bookmarking icons.

Please read the terms of use for each set of icons, and comply with licensing requirements.

If you are using icons, you can create a simple hover effect by wrapping the links as so:

<div id="bookmarks">
// insert bookmark links here

inserting the following into your CSS file:

#bookmark a img {
opacity: 0.8;
alpha.opacity: 80;

and then adding the following to each img in your bookmarks links:

onmouseover="; this.filters.alpha.opacity=100" onmouseout="; this.filters.alpha.opacity=80"

For example, the following can be pasted into a blank document, and saved as an HTML document:

<style type="text/css" >
#bookmarks a img {
opacity: 0.8;
alpha.opacity: 80;
<div id="bookmarks">
<a href="">
<img src="" title="twitter" alt="tweet me" onmouseover="; this.filters.alpha.opacity=100" onmouseout="; this.filters.alpha.opacity=80" />

Copy this code to a new TextPad or NotePad document, save it as HTML, and then open it in your browser. This provides a twitter icon which highlights on mouse over. The link when it is clicked on brings you to this page.

I will respond to queries in the comments, so ask away if clarification is required (I hope I’ve been clear, yet succinct) or you want assistance with further extensions to what I have started here.

About Cameron
I'm a final year Computer Science/Information Systems major. Already finished my BA in Politics/Philosophy. I do web and software freelance on the side, while I finish studying. Hoping to be self-employed by the end of my degree, otherwise off into the real-world I go....

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  1. Pingback: PHP script to automate tweeting « whileloop

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